Persistate API documentation
Utl Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This class contains a mixed bunch of static utility methods with nowhere else to go.
Declaration Syntax
public static class Utl
All MembersMethods

Converts a word list into a single word in camel case.

Crop(String, Int32)
Crops characters from the start or end of a string.

EnumFlagsExpression(Enum, String, Boolean)
Creates a code expression containing all the text values of an enum value of an enum type with the [FlagsAttribute] set.

Obtains the messages of an exception and all its inner exceptions, one per line.

ExceptionText(Exception, Boolean)
Obtains the messages and optionally full details of an exception and all its inner exceptions.

Reads the contents of a file into a byte array.

FindByName(array<String>[]()[][], Int32%, NameFinder)
Finds an object with a multi-word name which matches one or more of the words in set of name words.

Finds a particular loaded assembly in the current application domain.

Format(String, array<Object>[]()[][])
Performs simple string formatting similar to String.Format.

Returns the text ordinal for a particular number, for example 'first', 'second', 'twentieth' or 'eighty-third'. Hyphens are always included where appropriate.

Get2IntParameters(TargetLanguage, String, Int32%, Int32%)
Retrieves the values of two integer parameters from the source code of a method call.

Returns the path to a folder under the current user's roaming application data folder. The specified folder is created if it does not exist.

GetResourceStream(Assembly, String)
Opens a stream to read a file embedded in an assembly as a resource.

Determines whether a name is a valid file name.

Determines whether a string is a valid folder path.

IsValidIdentifier(String, Boolean)
Determines whether a name is a valid identifier. This uses the standard Unicode definition of identifiers.

Join(String, array<String>[]()[][])
Joins a set of strings separated by another string.

MatchPattern(String, String)
Matches a pattern against a string, and returns the part of this string corresponding to a placeholder.

MatchPosition(String, String)
Matches a pattern against a string, and returns the position of the part of this string corresponding to a placeholder.

Produces a string representation of an IMultiValue struct generated for a multi value data class. This method is usually called from generated code.

Writes a formatted trace of the current stack to the console.

ParseFloatLiteral(String, Single%)
Parses a floating point literal from source code, returning the value.

ParseMultiValue(String, array<ISourcePair>[]()[][], Boolean)
Parses a string value for a struct generated for a multi-value data class. This method is usually called from generated code.

Parses a text version of an ordinal number to give that number. Only text ordinals from first to ninetyninth are parsed

Converts a word list into a single word in Pascal case.

PersistateFileVersion(String, String)
Obtains the full path and file name of a specific version of a Persistate runtime file.

Finds the plural of a given noun or noun phrase.

Converts a one word string to proper case.

ReadEmbeddedTextResource(Assembly, String)
Reads the contents of a text file included in an assembly as an embedded resource.

RoundToMultipleOf(Int32, Int32)
Rounds one number to the nearest multiple of another number.

Saves a numbered version of a file.

ServerUri(String, String, String)
Obtains the Uri to use to connect to or listen for Persistate Server/Viewer communications for running a particular package in a particular environment.

ServerUri(String, Environment, Package)
Obtains the Uri to use to connect to or listen for Persistate Server/Viewer communications for running a particular package in a particular environment.

Split(String, String, Boolean)
This splits a string into tokens using any of the characters in a string as separator characters.

Puts a string into title case.

Removes proper case from a one word string.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: Persistate (Module: Persistate) Version: (