Persistate API documentation
EnumFlagsExpression Method (enumValue, separator, fullyQualified)
NamespacesPersistateUtlEnumFlagsExpression(Enum, String, Boolean)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Creates a code expression containing all the text values of an enum value of an enum type with the [FlagsAttribute] set.
Declaration Syntax
public static string EnumFlagsExpression(
	Enum enumValue,
	string separator,
	bool fullyQualified
enumValue (Enum)
The value to generate the expression for.
separator (String)
The separator character set in between the values.
fullyQualified (Boolean)
If true, fully qualified names are used for values, otherwise just the class name is used without.
Return Value
The generated code expression.

For example, if an enum class FlagEnum was defined with the values Flag1, Flag2 and Flag3, and an instance was created with the first and last of these set, then calling with separator " | " with fullyQualified false will produce FlagEnum.Flag1 | FlagEnum.Flag3.

Assembly: Persistate (Module: Persistate) Version: (