Persistate API documentation
Append Method

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Appends a single boolean value to this message.

Append(Int32, Boolean)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single boolean value to this message.

Appends a single byte value to this message.

Append(Int32, Byte)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single byte value to this message.

Appends a single char value to this message.

Append(Int32, Char)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single char value to this message.

Appends a single short value to this message.

Append(Int32, Int16)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single short value to this message.

Appends a single int value to this message.

Append(Int32, Int32)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single int value to this message.

Appends a single long value to this message.

Append(Int32, Int64)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single long value to this message.

Appends a single float value to this message.

Append(Int32, Single)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single float value to this message.

Appends a single double value to this message.

Append(Int32, Double)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single double value to this message.

Appends a single decimal value to this message.

Append(Int32, Decimal)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single decimal value to this message.

Appends a single DateTime value to this message.

Append(Int32, DateTime)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single DateTime value to this message.

Appends a string to this message.

Append(Int32, String)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a string to this message.

Appends a single Reference value to this message.

Append(Int32, IReference)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single Reference value to this message.

Appends a byte array to this Message.

Append(Int32, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a byte array to this Message.

Appends a single Font value to this message.

Append(Int32, PFont)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single Font value to this message.

Appends a single Color value to this message.

Append(Int32, PColor)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single Color value to this message.

Appends a single Image to this message.

Append(Int32, PImage)
Appends a slot number, a length field, and a single Image value to this message.

Assembly: Persistate (Module: Persistate) Version: (