Persistate API documentation
SetFocusTo Method (toFocus, inCollection)
NamespacesPersistate.UI.DesktopPContainerSetFocusTo(Persistent, IPersistateList)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Sets the focus in the container to a particular object showing within a particular collection.
Declaration Syntax
public bool SetFocusTo(
	Persistent toFocus,
	IPersistateList inCollection
toFocus (Persistent)
The object to set focus to.
inCollection (IPersistateList)
The collection showing in a grid which contains the object to focus.
Return Value
True if the object was showing in a grid and the focus was successfully set to it, otherwise false.
The collection can be the main bound collection, or that bound to a sub-container in this container. If this container is not showing the object, no action is taken.

Assembly: Persistate.UI.Desktop (Module: Persistate.UI.Desktop) Version: (