Persistate API documentation
ShowModalButtons Method (toShow, form, properties, buttonTexts)
NamespacesPersistate.UI.DesktopDesktopUserInterfaceShowModalButtons(IClassified, PContainer, ContainerProperties, array<String>[]()[][])

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Puts up an already instantiated PContainer form in a modal dialogue with one or three buttons.
Declaration Syntax
public ModalResult ShowModalButtons(
	IClassified toShow,
	PContainer form,
	ContainerProperties properties,
	params string[] buttonTexts
toShow (IClassified)
The object or collection to show is the dialogue box.
form (PContainer)
The PContainer to show it in.
properties (ContainerProperties)
An object containing property values to be applied to the window showing the object.
buttonTexts (array<String>[]()[][])
Up to three text strings to appear on buttons at the bottom of the dialogue box. Prefix a button text with the '+' character to make this button click on Enter and return a positive result. Prefix a button text with the '-' character to make the button click on Escape and return a negative result.
Return Value
A value representing the manner in which the user dismissed the modal display.

Assembly: Persistate.UI.Desktop (Module: Persistate.UI.Desktop) Version: (