Persistate API documentation
Invoke Method (method, parameters)
NamespacesPersistate.UI.DesktopDesktopUserInterfaceInvoke(Delegate, array<Object>[]()[][])

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Calls a particular method on the UI thread with a set of parameters, returning an object.
Declaration Syntax
public override Object Invoke(
	Delegate method,
	params Object[] parameters
method (Delegate)
A delegate containing the method to call.
parameters (array<Object>[]()[][])
The parameters to pass to the called
Return Value
The object returned from the method call, if any.
The method will be called on the thread owning the main form's window handle. If this is the current thread, or the main form has not yet been created, then the method is called directly.

Assembly: Persistate.UI.Desktop (Module: Persistate.UI.Desktop) Version: (