Persistate API documentation
GetTextFile Method (prompt, fileFilter, encoding)
NamespacesPersistate.UI.DesktopDesktopUserInterfaceGetTextFile(String, String, Encoding)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Allows the user to select a text file and returns its contents.
Declaration Syntax
public override string GetTextFile(
	string prompt,
	string fileFilter,
	Encoding encoding
prompt (String)
A prompt to show to the user.
fileFilter (String)
A string containing the file filters to present to the user. These take the same format as those in the .Net System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog.Filter property. May be null or empty.
encoding (Encoding)
The encoding to be used to convert the file to a string. May be null, in which case UTF8Encoding is used.
Return Value
A string containing the contents of the file.

Assembly: Persistate.UI.Desktop (Module: Persistate.UI.Desktop) Version: (