Persistate API documentation
ControlMargin Method (captionPosition, style)
NamespacesPersistate.UI.DesktopDesktopUserInterfaceControlMargin(CaptionPosition, LayoutStyle)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Gets a Padding appropriate for setting the Margin of a control, for a particular LayoutStyle.
Declaration Syntax
public static Padding ControlMargin(
	CaptionPosition captionPosition,
	LayoutStyle style
captionPosition (CaptionPosition)
The current CaptionPosition of the control. If this is set to Above or Below then extra space is added to the appropriate margin.
style (LayoutStyle)
The LayoutStyle to use to calculate the Padding.
Return Value
A Padding containing the calculated margins.
The margin takes into account the ControlHorizontalSeparation and ControlVerticalSeparation properties, and the space required for a caption in the FormTextStyle font above or below the control if appropriate.

Assembly: Persistate.UI.Desktop (Module: Persistate.UI.Desktop) Version: (