Persistate API documentation
DeAssociate Method (associator, associated, slot)
NamespacesPersistatePersistentDeAssociate(Persistent, IReference, Int32)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This method is intended for use only from generated code, and you should not use it in open code.
Declaration Syntax
public static void DeAssociate(
	Persistent associator,
	IReference associated,
	int slot
associator (Persistent)
The associator object that the associated object is being dissociated from.
associated (IReference)
The associated object that the associator has a link to.
slot (Int32)
The member slot number.
Unlinks an associated object from an associator object in persistent storage. This will have an effect only for associated objects of a class which has Log Associations function set in its ObjectClass'sClassCategory.

Assembly: Persistate (Module: Persistate) Version: (